
Friday, 14 September 2012

Survey and Report

Walt: write a report on my survey
Recently I decided to carry out a survey. Targeting the children and staff of Glen Innes School. My question was “Who is their favourite R & B singer?”. I personally went around asking room 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 that question. Fifty children were surveyed.

I used excel to draw my 3 D graph. My data was represented in a pie graph.
Based on the results most children and staff voted for Chris Brown. Ne- Yo had the least votes with 0.

I believe that most children and staff chose Chris Brown because he has energetic songs. Maybe Ne-Yo was voted the least favourite because he isn’t as popular as Chris Brown.

Thursday, 13 September 2012


Walt: write a narrative.


Every Monday morning the year seven students go to Tamaki College on a bus, to do hard materials. We have to always bring a pencil.

We create wooden toys by using housing joints. It takes a lot of concentration and listening. Our Walt for this week was to construct a housing joint. Mr Grundy discussed very important safety rules that must be observed at the workshop. Measuring the wood blocks was the most difficult part because we had to get it absolutely perfect.
I found that it took deep thinking as well as designing to keep up with the task. It was challenging and fun. The tools, like bench vice and try square were new. I haven’t worked with tools before.

Hardware materials are fun but it requires concentration, listening, thinking and designing. I am enjoying it.