
Tuesday, 11 December 2012


My Interview with the New Zealand Herald

At 10:00 on Thursday myself and five others had a challenging interview with a man from the New Zealand Herald. He had come to talk to us about poverty in Glen Innes. The question were all very challenging but I was able to answer all of them. While we were answering his questions he kept writing and writing in his little pad. I was worried but thought I did really well. After answering about 15 questions we took photos in the library and outside on the field.

Then today in the morning our principle Mr. Hendricks invited us into his office to show and discuss about the article in the New Zealand Herald. We talked about how we did and also to try and adapt it to our own writing.

Yesterday was really fun and I hope I could do that sort of thing again sometime because I really enjoyed it and it made me think really really hard. Which I like.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Netbook Reflection 2012

The netbook from  Manaiakalani  has provided me a better chance of learning. With the netbooks we have used the Learn, Create and Share for two terms and I am enjoying it.

Everytime I see my netbook I can always see a better education for myself. During my two terms I can see an improvement in my main curriculum areas. To be honest it used to be really boring but now that I have a netbook it is actually fun. Commenting on others blogs are also exciting because I get the chance to find out about their learning and I get to meet others beyond this school.

The netbooks have made our school days interesting because now I talk more because there is a lot more to talk about.

My goal for the future is to get better at blog comments so others can go WOW.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Sharing is caring

Walt: Share our learning

This term I had written and prepared an ebook aiming towards the 5 and 6 year olds. I read my book to rooms 1 and 2. My book was on our Zoo trip and also our enquiry learning which was the features of animals. I used the photographs that were taken at the zoo to put in our ebook. To be honest nothing was easy, it was very hard to find the right words so that they could understand it. Room 2 red really well and could handle the words. Room 1 had trouble but they coped really well too. I will try to improve the choice of words better in the future when I am preparing an ebook for our younger students. I had fun reading and listening to our students.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Triathlon at the Movies

In the school holidays we worked with Mr Ramkolowen to finish a movie for the Manaiakalani festival. Our movie features events,  activities and learning from this interesting year. One of the events that  features in our movie is triathlon.

Triathlon is a great event to compete in and for fitness. Triathlon includes three code sports a swim, bike and run. Triathlon is known a lot all over the world and this year they had the championship triathlon at The Cloud in Auckland.

I am looking forward to seeing the movies from other Manaiakalani schools.

G.I. Bootcamp from Glen Innes School on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Dancing maniacs

The school disco was mind blowing. We had the best time dancing, singing and having dance battles with each other. Some students did hilarious dance moves, that everyone could join.  Everyone looked magnificent, they had dressed really well. The music was very danceable.  The best thing of all was that everyone was having fun, no one was left out.  It was beyond amazing. Everyone had really enjoyed it, they kept asking for another disco.

A Giant Step of Success

Walt: to write a story in sequence.

A Giant Step of Success  

Alice had pictures in her head while she was sleeping about something falling from the sky. She could see a bright light beaming above her head. She awoke with a sudden fight. She saw a flash as fast as Usain Bolt zooming through the house. She was feeling dizzy and desperately needed air. As she exhaustively open the door she scooped the beautiful sight she saw from above. It seemed like a slice of heaven.

While Alice was scoping the dark misty night an adventurous skydiver named David Jones was getting ready to jump from a capsule 47 kilometers away from earth. As he was about to jump his connection with Mission control disconnected. At that moment everything went wrong and before he knew it, he was losing air from his oxygen tank. He was in such panic he forgot everything he had learned, training for this daredevil experience. He was in such a fright he travelled at such a speed he looked like a shooting star.

Alice, was just about to walk inside when she saw something falling from the corner of her eye. She believed it was a falling star and was determined to find it. She couldn't couldn't continue because it was almost early dawn and her parents would be worried sick about her.

David Jones was extremely happy because of his giant step of success. He still tried to contact Mission control but then he knew it was completely dead. Knowing he had no communication devices he started to walk on a path leading to the top of the Bombay Hills. Mission control had taped his fall and was acting like wild gorillas in such relief. When David reached the top he was picked up in a fancy helicopter.

David Jones was on television the next morning telling his amazing journey, he said he would love to do that again sometime. Alice on the other hand was still determined to find that falling star.

With great skills you can achieve great success.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Survey and Report

Walt: write a report on my survey
Recently I decided to carry out a survey. Targeting the children and staff of Glen Innes School. My question was “Who is their favourite R & B singer?”. I personally went around asking room 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 that question. Fifty children were surveyed.

I used excel to draw my 3 D graph. My data was represented in a pie graph.
Based on the results most children and staff voted for Chris Brown. Ne- Yo had the least votes with 0.

I believe that most children and staff chose Chris Brown because he has energetic songs. Maybe Ne-Yo was voted the least favourite because he isn’t as popular as Chris Brown.

Thursday, 13 September 2012


Walt: write a narrative.


Every Monday morning the year seven students go to Tamaki College on a bus, to do hard materials. We have to always bring a pencil.

We create wooden toys by using housing joints. It takes a lot of concentration and listening. Our Walt for this week was to construct a housing joint. Mr Grundy discussed very important safety rules that must be observed at the workshop. Measuring the wood blocks was the most difficult part because we had to get it absolutely perfect.
I found that it took deep thinking as well as designing to keep up with the task. It was challenging and fun. The tools, like bench vice and try square were new. I haven’t worked with tools before.

Hardware materials are fun but it requires concentration, listening, thinking and designing. I am enjoying it.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Dear Chris Wood

Dear Chris Wood

On behalf of Glen Innes School and myself, I would like to say a huge thank you for giving us fresh vegetables and fillings to make healthy, easy sandwiches, we all had a wonderful time.

My favourite fillings were a bit of everything ham, tuna, cucumber, carrot, cheese and lettuce. Mr Hendricks had put apple in the tuna to make it sweet. I remembered also having fun making the sandwiches, Plus it doesn't cost too much of money to make our very own sandwiches. I realised that there is protein in tuna and whole grain bread, also vegetables has antioxidants. I've been inspired to keep making my very own healthy sandwiches.

Thank you again.

Yours sincerely

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

What does Equality mean?

I learnt of the values in Equality. Equality to me is to be equal with everyone. We made a poem on Olympic Values and Olympism. I believe that  all Olympism Values should be shown everywhere and anywhere not just at the Olympics.

Equality                                                Britney

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

A message to the Olympic Football Team

You played extremely well to keep the score against Brazil, 1-0. Play hard and remember to have fun. Better luck to you next time. Also I'll be watching your game against Cameroon and supporting you all the way. GO FOOTBALL FERNS.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Learning towards success

Dear parents

I appreciate the money you have put towards the netbook.

In maths it is helping me order fractions and converting fractions into percentages and decimals. I am doing so much better.

In writing I am learning new vocabulary words and spelling is way much easier. I can write longer stories and better stories.

Also in reading I am improving my comprehension and I am happy. I’m not perfect but I’m working on it.

Thank you again for this amazing privilege.

Your child